What I think is a very useful link, “The National Do Not Call List,” has been added to Harold’s Reference Library. By going to this web site you can opt out of receiving telemarketing phone calls at home. I have resisted taking this step myself, but with so many opting out it has left fewer of us to call, and I now receive, on average, 20 calls a week.
I am also going to start putting a news article in the Newsletter called “Dumbest Idea of the Week.” If you run across an article you want considered for this prestigious award send me the link to the news article. It was an easy pick this week. Read the second article in the newsletter and you might just agree with me.
Dumbest Idea of the Week
A spanking ban: are you gonna get it?
By Nancy Vogel, Times Staff Writer
January 20, 2007
SACRAMENTO — Assemblywoman Sally Lieber hit a nerve when she mused publicly this week about making it illegal for parents to strike children younger than 4.The Bay Area Democrat hasn't introduced a bill yet, but critical calls and e-mails — including some personal attacks — have flooded her offices since her local newspaper wrote about her intention. Unbowed, Lieber said she would introduce a bill next week to make California the first state to make the hitting of a toddler or baby a crime. Language was still being drafted, but Lieber was considering making a violation a misdemeanor, punishable by up to a year in county jail. "It would get us out of the ridiculous situation of having our law saying there's justifiable beating of children," Lieber said, "in the midst of a society where we say we value children and protect them." Readers of the San Jose Mercury News blasted the idea — "Although I don't believe in spanking, I sure do not need some media-grubbing politician to tell me how to raise my kids," wrote one — but Lieber said she was confident that she would win Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger's support.